Sagor Catfish [Hexanematichthys Sagor], Ah Seng [Hokkien] or Ikan Duri [Malay] had Venomous spines at dorsal and pectoral fins must be careful when handling the fish. It's an edible fish. Catfish favour muddy waters and they will eat almost anything; prawns or tamban sometime even bread etc.
Catfish or Ikan Duri Caught by Joanne weighing 2kg plus at Woodland Jetty
Catfish or Ikan Duri Caught by Snake weighing 3kg at Woodland Jetty
Catfish or Ikan Duri Caught by Fatty weighing 4kg plus at Woodland Jetty
Mr Chiam and Ah Guan cutting up 3 Yellowtail Barracuda [Sphyraena Flavicauda] also know as Saw Kun 沙君[Hokkien] or Ikan Kacang [malay] caught at Woodland Jetty.
This is a smaller species of barracuda compared the Pickhandle Barracuda. It can be differentiated by its bright yellow tail, coarser scales and they don't have the faint vertical bars on its body as the Pickhandles do. But like its larger cousin, the yellowtail have sharp cutting teeth. Because of their small size, they aren't as successful in snipping off our nylon lines as the larger species.
The Yellowtail Barracuda [Sphyraena Flavicauda] also know as Saw Kun 沙君[Hokkien] or Ikan Kacang [malay] can usually be found hanging in shallow reefs and Jetty. They feed on small fishes such as Tamban or Assam and shrimps, and can sometimes be caught on tamban jigs. It is a much better tasting fish compared to the Pickhandle, but beware of its many fine bones when eating them.