Queenfish [Talang] Caught by Shi Hong at Woodland Jetty
Queenfish [Talang] Caught by Shi Hong at Woodland Jetty
Baby Queenfish [Scomberoides Commersonnianus], Sam Poh Gong 三保公, 舢舨跳 [chinese] or Ikan Talang [malay] Caught At Woodland Jetty by Shi Hong using Tamban Jig. Words of precaution Venomous spines and dorsal fin handle with care.
Queenfish are popular game fish found locally. An aggressive pelagic fish that takes live bait fishes readily. It takes line fast intially but don't last very long. They have tendency to do acrobatic jumps out of water when hooked. This fish cannot survive out of water for very long; if you intend to release the fish, please do so as quickly as possible.
Queenfish [Scomberoides Commersonnianus], Sam Poh Gong 三保公, 舢舨跳 [chinese] or Ikan Talang [malay] can be caught on and offshore, pretty much all round Singapore. Strong current and presence of bait fishes such as tamans are favourable conditions to catching queenfishes.
Most Chinese locals avoid eating Queenfish because it is believed to be related to a diety - the marks on the queenfish are said to be the fingerprint marks left by the deity. In general, the meat quality isn't as good as other trevallies like diamond trevally or bumpnose trevally. However, it still does make a good dish if cooked with the right recipe.
Labels: Fishing Hotspots, Ikan Talang, Pancing, Queenfish, Sam Poh Gong, Scomberoides Commersonnianus, Shi Hong, Woodland Jetty, 三保公, 舢舨跳, 钓鱼